Lena Sophia Bjerkander
Lena Sophia Bjerkander, M. Sc.
Personal Website
Curriculum Vitae
Work Experience
Since 07/2019 | PhD Student, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg |
01/2019 – 06/2019 | Analyst Commodities, Stadtwerke München GmbH, Munich |
07/2018 – 09/2018 | Intern, Allianz SE Economic Research, Munich |
04/2016 – 06/2016 | Intern, Ifo Institute – Public Finance and Political Economy, Munich |
2016-2018 | Lund University, Sweden, M.Sc. Economics |
Winter 2014 | Toulouse School of Economics, France, Exchange Semester |
2012-2016 | Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, B.Sc. Economics |
2011 | Abitur, Fachoberschule Neuburg a.d. Donau |
Macro Colloquium, U.C. Berkeley, 21. September 2023, Berkeley, USA
Statistik-Tage Bamberg|Fürth, 17./18. July 2023, Fürth, Germany
34th BGPE Research Workshop, 26./27. January 2023, Augsburg, Germany
4th conference on “Non-traditional Data, Machine Learning, and Natural Language Processing in Macroeconomics”, October 3-4, 2022, Stockholm, Sweden.
Workshop on Survey Data and Probabilistic Expectations, June 2 – 3 2022, Heidelberg University.
1st Bavarian Macro Day, 6. May 2022, University of Regensburg.
15th RGS Doctoral Conference in Economics, February 21 – 22, 2022, virtual
VfS Annual Conference 2021, September 26-29, 2021, virtual.
The 41st International Symposium on Forecasting (ISF), June 27-30, 2021, virtual.
25th Spring Meeting of Young Economists (SMYE), June 17-19, 2021, virtual.
8. Konferenz für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsdaten, March 2020, Berlin. Presentation
Peer-reviewed Publications
- Dovern, J., Müller, L., & Wohlrabe, K. (2023). Local Information and Firm Expectations about Aggregates. Journal of Monetary Economics, forthcoming.
- Dovern, J., Frank, J., Glas, A., Müller, L.S., & Perico Ortiz, H. (2023). Estimating pass-through rates for the 2022 tax reduction on fuel prices in Germany. Energy Economics, forthcoming. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eneco.2023.106948
Working Paper
- Dovern, J., J. Frank, A. Glas, L. Müller and D. Perico, 2022. Estimating Pass-Through Rates for the 2022 Tax Reduction on Fuel Prices in Germany.
- Glas, A. and L. Müller, 2021. Talking in a language that everyone can understand? Transparency of speeches by the ECB Executive Board.
- Dovern, J., L. Müller and K. Wohlrabe, 2020. Local Information and Firm Expectations about Aggregates.