Year: 2020

Please note that the government of Bavaria decided that (with few exceptions) teaching at all universities is no longer allowed "on campus" for the time being. For our courses (also the modules "Data Science - Datenauswertung" and "Statistics" which, so far, we taught "on campus") that implies that,...

Category: Allgemein

Prof. Dr. Jonas Dovern appeared in a radio feature about statistics ("Statistisch gesehen: Bayern in Zahlen") on BR Bayern 2. You can listen to the feature using the following link:

Category: Allgemein

A paper by Prof. Dr. Jonas Dovern (with Christopher Zuber) has been published by the Journal of Macroeconomics. The study analyzes how strongly the economic crisis after 2008 has influenced potential output levels in EU member states. In particular, the study analyzes which components of potential o...

Category: Allgemein

We have made available access to the StudOn websites for the modules "Statistik", "Statistics", "Analysis of macroeconomic and financial markets data", and "Data Science: Datenauswertung". If you plan to follow one of these courses, please register as a member for the courses on StudOn.

Category: Allgemein

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic our chair is able to offer a wide range of courses in the winter semester 2020/21. At the Bachelor level we offer the modules „Data Science: Datenauswertung“, „Data Science: Statistik“, „Statistik“, and „Analysis of macroeconomic and financial market data“. At the...

Category: Allgemein